Have You Been to the Dentist Lately?

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When was the last time you visited the dentist? If you’re keeping up with your cleanings and exams, it was probably less than six months ago, which is fantastic.

Unfortunately, not everyone stays on schedule to visit the dentist. Some people have a change in insurance or a family emergency that causes the need to reschedule. But we also know there are many people who simply don’t book their dental exams or cleanings due to anxiety.

New Techniques for a New Age

Modern dental practices have moved far beyond the black and white mental picture that makes you so anxious. The chairs are comfortable. The anesthetic really works, so you shouldn’t feel anything at all. At The Grove Family Dentistry, we even offer blankets, pillows, and streaming TV in your treatment room for your comfort! But most of all, if dental anxiety keeps you from getting to the dentist, Dr. Truong offers sedation dentistry.

There are two forms of sedation that Dr. Truong offers for his patients with heightened feelings of trepidation: Oral Conscious Sedation and Nitrous Oxide. You might be familiar with Nitrous Oxide, or “laughing gas.” Inhaling it allows you to remain aware of your environment, but without the edgy nervousness that dental anxiety can provoke. Oral Conscious Sedation comes in pill form that’s taken about 30 minutes prior to treatment. The pill, a light sedative, allows you to remain conscious, but feel like you are taking a light nap. You probably won’t even remember the appointment afterwards!

Your six months cleanings and any necessary dental treatments are a big part of staying healthy. Contact The Grove Family Dentistry to find out if sedation dentistry is right for you!