Benefits of Night Guards Against Bruxism

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Night guards, also known as occlusal guards, are protective devices worn over the teeth. They are intended to provide the best protection against nighttime bruxism and its damaging effects.

Bruxism, if not treated or addressed correctly, can pose several complications to both the oral and general health of a person. It includes damage to the teeth, frequent headaches, severe facial or jaw pain, and temporomandibular (TMJ) disorder. So, for our patients at The Grove Family Dentistry to understand the importance of getting a night guard, here is a list of the benefits it offers.

night guard

Below are the following benefits night guard offers to people.

Prevents the teeth from damage

People suffering from bruxism may be unaware that they are grinding or clenching their teeth while sleeping. Since they can remain unknowing, the said condition can often lead to a bigger problem that is not only focused in the mouth. Fortunately, through the help of custom-fitted night guards, bruxism-related complications can be avoided by minimizing the pressure applied when the patient happens to grind or clench their teeth unconsciously.

Helps avoid the painful TMJ

Temporomandibular (TMJ) disorder affects the muscles used for chewing, the joint itself, as well as tendons and ligaments. The said condition makes it difficult for people to eat, talk, and even open or close their mouths. Bruxism is one of the factors that can cause the development of TMJ. Thankfully, wearing a night guard to control excessive teeth grinding can help prevent it in the first place.

Reduces headaches

Pressure on the jaw and surrounding muscles due to bruxism can lead to chronic headaches. Night guards not only keeps the teeth from being damaged but also helps in minimizing frequent temporal headaches and neck pain.

Relieves pain and tension

Bruxism can result in tooth sensitivity, severe tooth pain, as well as jaw and neck pain. Getting custom-made night guard helps reduce stress and tension applied on the teeth, joints, and muscles; therefore, providing people the much-needed relief from pain.

Save your teeth from any forms of damage by considering our Custom Night Guards in Clayton, CA! Book your appointment with us at The Grove Family Dentistry, and let us help you keep your overall oral health in good shape.